
Thanh Vinh Nguyen (Viet Nam)


The Ministry of Finance (MOF) has resumed drafting a decree on the customs procedure for e-commerce goods by releasing a new draft (“Draft Decree”) to govern various issues on cross-border e-commerce. These issues include customs declarants, risk management, data processing, import permit exemption, import duty, customs valuation and the customs procedure. The Draft Decree focuses on the following issues: Owners of websites and applications providing e-commerce services, transportation enterprises, customs brokerage agents, bonded warehouse business…

The Trade Remedy Authority of Vietnam has issued Decision 460/QD-BCT on 21 February 2025 to impose the preliminary anti dumping duty rates against Hot-Rolled Steel (“AD rate”) from China and India. Accordingly, the AD rate only applies to HRS from China. HRS from India shall not be subject to the preliminary AD rate for the reason that the HRS import volume from India does not meet the regulatory minimum amount (3% of total HRS import…