
Jorge Gomez Alguacil (Spain)


The Spanish Customs Authorities (“SCA”) have released new guidelines (available only in Spanish) on provisional customs values and simplified declarations. The aim is to clarify the utilization of simplified declarations foreseen in Article 166 of the UCC due to the high number of queries from operators. The current guidelines supplement previous guidelines on this issue (our tax alert about them can be found here). Through the new guidelines the SCA analyses the proper method to…

New Intrastat requirements will enter into force as of January 2022. Intrastat is the EU’s system to track the movement of goods between countries of the EU. Authorities use the statistical data on international trade obtained with Intrastat for example when negotiating trade agreements and to monitoring of the functioning of the internal market. Specifically the new rules include two additional data points in the monthly reporting format: (i) The country of origin of the…